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If you would like to get involved with the Corryong Cup and have some value to add for our competitors please contact Tracey This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Corryong Cup
The Corryong Cup has always been widely regarded as the most fun competition on the calendar. The Mt Elliot launch is wide and steep providing easy, safe take-offs. Almost every afternoon the hill provides reliable lift for easy starts. The scenery is fantastic. The mountain / valley terrain in this area is awesome to fly across and the paddocks are large enough for easy landings in most locations. While the flying side of the competition is great, what makes the competition FUN is the people. Both the pilots and the organisers have always been friendly & enthusiastic and the same people keep coming back year after year.
Vic HG Comps. Inc. was formed for the express purpose of taking on the role of running the Corryong Cup starting in 2021, after more than a decade in the hands of the Newcastle club. Thanks guys for keeping the competition running so well for so long.
The Corryong Cup has always been run as an entry level competition catering to both new pilots with a Floater & Sport class and seasoned pilots in Open class. Our aim is to continue in this vein while endeavouring to increase participation in the Floater & Sport classes. If you haven't flown in a competition before then come to the Corryong Cup. It really is "Where the Fun Begins!"
January 5 - 11 2025
Pilot Handbook
Whether you are new to the Corryong Cup, or a returning pilot, HG Comps.Inc. welcomes you to the most relaxed, family friendly hang gliding competition in Australia.
The aim of this competition is to foster learning in a relaxed environment as well as improve competition flying skills whilst having fun.
There are several competition classes catering for all levels of pilot experience and flexwing glider choice
HG Comps. Inc. would like to thank the business' supporting the Corryong Cup. Please support then in return next time you need their services.
Saturday 4th Jan Practise Day
8:00am - 10:00am Early Pilot & driver registration at Black Sheep Cafe 59 Hanson St, Corryong.
Pilot registration at this session includes a Black Sheep Coffee voucher. Get some breakfast too then head up for a fly!
Subsequent pilot registrations may be held in the evening if required and at the Welcome briefing.
Sunday 5th Jan
9am First morning briefing at Attree Park 43 Jardine St
Election of:
Task Committee
Safety Committee
Protest Committee
Sunday 5th - Saturday 11th Jan
Competition days. Daily morning briefings 9:30am at Attree Park 43 Jardine St.
Thursday 9th Jan
Red Faces & quiz night. BYO food & drinks
Saturday 11th Jan
Presentation Night BBQ at Colac Colac Caravan Park.
-Current SAFA Membership*
-A glider and equipment in airworthy condition. *
-A recently re-packed parachute that you carry while flying. *
-UHF Radio. *
-VHF radio and VHF endorsement*
-GPS for navigation & track logging/scoring.
-A driver or team to get you to launch and retrieve you after landing.
-A hat and adequate drinking water stored in flying gear
-Entry into the comp
-Launch marshal
-Daily weather briefings
-Daily scoring
-GPS Corryong waypoints
-2025 Corryong Cup T-shirt
-Awesome bunch of people to hang with
-Awesome flying at Corryong (weather permitting)
- Presentaion night BBQ
… and a lot of FUN!
FAI statement on Russia and Belarus

At the presentation BBQ we will be awarding medals in the following categories:
- Open A Class
1st, 2nd and 3rd placed flexwings
- Open B Class
1st, 2nd and 3rd placed flexwings
- Sport Class (kingpost)
1st, 2nd and 3rd placed flexwings
- Floater Class (open crossbar)
1st, 2nd and 3rd placed flexwings - novice & intermediate pilots (<40hrs experience).
- Floater V (open crossbar)
1st, 2nd and 3rd placed flexwings - advanced or experienced pilots.
- The 'winning-est' team (4 pilots)
The team mugs!
- The Steve Elliot “Spirit of the Comp.” Award
- The Trevor Scott "Hold My Bundy" Award
The 2024 Corryong Cup Competition Committee is:
Phil - Competition Director 0438 428 569
Brett - Meet Head 0447 938 000
Tracey - First Aid, cat herder 0458 176 823
Andy - eMedia 0428 176 823
Tushar - Scorer 0407 782 182
Wesley - Scorer 0408 305 943
We will also be assisted by:
Rohan Holtkamp our launch marshal
Vic Hare our Weather man
Protests will be considered by an elected committee of 3 pilots. All protests must be submitted in written format and acompanied by $100 protest fee.
All other decisions affecting competition procedures and results will be made by the competition committee.
The competition scoring will be GPS based. GPS co-ordinates are available to download for regularly used
turnpoints here.
On the Highcloud site there are other links to GPS file transfer & recording apps.
We can assist pilots who don't know how to extract an .igc file from their instruments, but we would recommend pilots also use a free phone app such as SeeYou Navigator to record backup tracklogs. See links page at end of manual to download.
We will be using a Jotform pilot landing form. At the end of each flying day every pilot MUST submit a landing form or otherwise check-in with the committee so we know everyone is safe.
Datum: WGS 84
Re-fly Distance: 5km.
Goal Radius: 1000m unless otherwise specified.
Turn point radius: 400 m unless otherwise specified.
Time: UTC +11 hrs
Start intervals: 1 sec unless otherwise specified.
Track log: Wrap with 20 sec intervals.
The Corryong Cup is currently the best attended competition in Australia. Due to limited available set-up space particulary near the front at launch, the competition is limited to 75 entants. If you are not one of the entrants do not expect the same rights as a paid entrant. If you want to come and free-fly during a competition you may only do so with the permission of the competition director. You must attend the morning briefing in Attree Park Corryong. You must be a current SAFA member with the VHFOPS endorsement. At launch you must set-up where directed by the competition director. You must launch when directed (before the competition launch window opens).
If you would like to launch and fly with your friends then you are advised to enter the competition. Entries open September 1st.
- There will be NO ACCESS to launch on days of TOTAL FIRE BAN.
- All gates on the track up to launch to be left closed.
- No littering - Please use the rubbish bins provided or take your mess with you.
- Absolutely NO SMOKING except inside your vehicle. The site is in a HIGH FIRE DANGER AREA with limited escape routes. Do you want to be responsible for starting a fire? How many gliders, cars & lives are you risking if you smoke?
- Car parking - after unloading, vehicles MUST be moved back behind the tower for parking. The area between the tower and launch (including the shady trees) is reserved for glider set-up, launch queues and spectators!!
- The launch access track (between launch and the tower) MUST be kept clear (unless you are in your glider and in a launch queue). This area provides access to launch for gliders moving down to launch and for emergency services.
- The front 4WD road is UP ONLY between 10am - 12 noon - do not go down this track during this period as this is the peak time for access up the hill.
- Using the front 4WD road at other times - all vehicles (ascending and descending) must use a radio (set on the comp channel - to be advised at briefings) to check for other vehicles coming the opposite direction.
There are 5 competition classes all comprising of flex wing gliders:
-Open A : A Grade pilots
-Open B : Advanced pilots
-Sport : Nov/Int pilots -Kingpost gliders
-Floater : Nov/Int pilots (<40hrs) -Open crossbar gliders
-Floater V : Old farts - Open crossbar gliders
Any pilot who has ever ranked in the top 20% of pilots with more than 100 (Aus) ladder points is A Grade for life. International pilots are also regarded as A grade.
The Corryong Cup committee may also nominate some pilots to be considered A Grade ie:, previous Open B winners.
Pilots who opt to fly rigid wing gliders may compete and be scored but will not be eligible for flex wing trophies.
Floater class will have a separate task and will be scored separately. Only open crossbar gliders can enter the Floater Class. The Floater class is aimed at pilots that are new to the comp scene. The tasks for Floater class will be shorter, with the aim of making turn points, and hopefully goal, more attainable to pilots new to competition flying.
Experienced pilots choosing to fly open crossbar gliders may nominate to compete in Floater V; or the Open task in Sport class.
There will be a launch marshal available to assist and advise pilots regarding conditions. The launch marshal/safety officer is not an instructor and can not advise you on launch technique. Pilots are always 100% responsible for their own safety, and only the pilot can choose whether he/she will fly on a particular day or time. Safety is a choice! If the launch marshal thinks the conditions on launch are unsuitable, the launch may be closed temporarily.
Gliders should be set up either side of the lane, marked by painted lines. You must be ready to fly before entering the launch queue. There are lines marking areas at the front of launch, which must be kept clear of gliders and spectators. You should perform a hang check before you reach launch.
Each day there may be an open launch window, followed by an ordered lauch of the top 20 open pilots in reverse order followed by top 5 floater pilots in reverse order followed by open launch.
The launch order on the first day will be determined by CIVL ranking. On subsequent days overall scores will be used.
If a pilot feels that he/she is being held-up in the launch queue by pilots in front waiting too long, that pilot may wish to call a push.
To call a push the pilot must be in harness, hooked into glider and ready to launch. If a push is called, every pilot in the queue in front of and including the pusher has 60 seconds of launchable air (as determined by the launch marshall) to decide either to take off or to go to the back of the ordered launch and behind any pilots already in the launch queue. As this is a FUN competition we hope that pilots will be patient on launch and allow eveyone to launch safely and without feeling pressured by the launch queue.
Each day there will be a turn direction (which will be announced on launch) for thermalling in the viscinity of launch (~2km ). The turn direction will alternate daily. Regardless of daily turn direction, always follow Rules Of The Air ie: thermal in the same direction as the glider(s) already established in the thermal.
Mt. Elliott is a tree-slot site. It has a wide & steep earth ramp to assist you in bulding airspeed when launching. A strong launch is required to exit the slot with excess airspeed. When flying out of the slot be prepared for crosswind & associated turbulence.
Power lines are located running from the radio towers on the hill, to the spur on the north-east side of the hill, and from there down to the road. It is a long span of multiple wires and is hard to see as it's below the ridge height.
Power lines at bomb out run along two sides of the bomb out paddock (the road sides - north-east and north-west), and there are HV transmission lines & towers in front of launch. Take care to view all of these on your way up the hill. Of course, there are also powerlines running to homesteads and most buildings.
Landing is not permitted in the farm across the road (Alpine Way) from the bombout.
When leaving cars parked all day at bombout please use the opposite (NE) side of the road. Trucks using the nearby farmgate need access to the road verge adjacent to the bombout paddock to make the turn. You can move you car back to load-up after you have landed.
We will not have VHF radio exemption for this competition. As the Mt Elliot launch is inside the Corryong CTAF broadcast zone, all pilots must be VHF endorsed and carry & use VHF radio while flying.
Albury airspace lies west and north of Jingellic and Tumbarumba, see the airspace map link at the end of this manual for more info.
Always adhere to rules of the air. Faster gliders & experienced pilots should make allowances for slower gliders & less experienced pilots
Be aware that Corryong airport is used as a fuel / water depot for fire fighting aircraft. We may need to stop a task in the event of a fire anywhere in the upper Murray area.
The Corryong Airport waypoint remains the same and will still be used for Goal but landing is now in Paton's Goal Landing Paddock (see
Google map ).
The link gives the landowner access to pertinent SAFA website pages and also assures the landowner that they have no legal exposure to accident claims.
In addition landowners are asked to enter their details along with your pilot number to be eligible for our Landowner Prize Draw.
We ask that all pilots fill in their SAFA number on the back of the card. This will allow us to validate each land owner entry with a pilot number while allowing you the option of remaining anonymous.
All land owner entries will automatically enter the nominated pilot into a seperate draw for pilots.
If you meet a land owner after your flight introduce youself, give them 'your card' and invite them to enter the draw.
Always have 2 or 3 landing paddock options whenever you are getting low. Often a paddock that looks good from 2000ft becomes less desirable as you get lower and can see more ground features. The Upper Murray area is renowned for SWER (Single Wire Earth Return) power lines. These are usually invisible to the eye until you are about to hit them. There are typically very long spans between poles, and the poles are sometimes hidden in trees. Assume that every building you see has a SWER line running to it. Look for the poles out in paddocks and join-the-dots, have a bale-out option ready in case you spot a SWER line once you have commenced you landing circuit.
Wind direction is often light & variable in Corryong also the terrain is often not flat. Use ground indicators or circle in drift to pick the direction then land into the wind and uphill if possible.
Due to high fire risk and to allow un-interrupted access for fire fighting aircraft we no longer use the Corryong airport for goal. The area adjacent to the apron where we used to pack-up has now been ashphalted so is unsuitable to us anyway. We have an paddock at the NE end of the runway available to use for Goal.
Whenever possible (and safe) do not land near any sheep, cattle or horses. We do not want startled stock running into fences or breaking out of paddocks.
Bio-security is a issue of which pilots need to be aware. We should all be cleaning the grass seeds and dirt from our harnesses before flying. So we are not introducing foriegn (weed) seeds or soil where we land. There will be rubbish bins on launch, please use them.
Also no vehicles are to enter any paddocks without the landowners permission. Pilots should always carry-out to the fence.
There are some landowners who have denied permission for any landing on their properties.
- Thowgla Horse Farm
On the East side of Thowlga Rd from the KANGCK TP for 2.25km North of the KANGCK TP.
- Khancoban
There is a large well established farm with a long tree lined driveway just where you may be looking for a top-up thermal while on glide for KHANCO. This farm is bordered by the Swampy Plains River the the South, and Alpine Way (road) to the North & East.
-Any paddock containing stock.
Land somewhere else or well away from the stock so that thay are not startled.
Google Maps 'No Landing Zones'
You are 100% responsible for your own safety, your team is responsible for finding you and looking after you if you have an accident.
Maintain UHF radio position reports with your driver. Both phone & UHF radio reception can be patchy on the ground, so keep your driver happy with a position report when you make a turn point or if you are getting low,
Make clear concise radio reports and keep chatter to a minimum. Radio noise can be quite distracting to other pilots when busy scratching or in traffic. It also will not make us any friends in the local farming community.
There is an article on radio comms. here
Once you have landed, if you have signal use your phone and not your radio. There are several phone apps that can share your position and text messages with your driver.
After you have out-landed, move the glider. Walk the glider to the fence or move it 10 or 20 meters at least and park it tailwind. If your glider is motionless after a dodgy looking landing pilots overhead may circle down and land to assist you.
If while flying you see another pilot have a heavy landing, watch for the glider or pilot moving around so that you know they're OK. If you see no movement, radio your intentions to your team and land to assist the injured pilot, always making sure that you're not putting yourself into danger by doing so.
If the pilot requires urgent medical attention, contact ambulance services directly by mobile phone on 000, giving the GPS coordinates and access road directions as required. Contact the pilots team and organisers after emergency services (if required).
This app shows you Lat/Lon and what3words location. It has buttons to call 000, Police & SES.
If you are calling an ambulance, also radio the competition organisers on the comp UHF frequency (same frequency when using the Mt. Elliott 4WD front track), or phone them.
You won't lose points by landing to assist an injured pilot - the comp rules will give you the average of your daily points in the comp so far.
The safety committee may stop a task for several reasons eg: thunderstorms on course, inbound emergency aircraft, fire, etc. If a task is stopped, the competition committee will notify all drivers who will then inform their team pilots. To signal a stopped or cancelled task to other nearby pilots in the air, unzip you harness to hang you legs down moving your feet in a cycling motion.
Once you have confirmation that a task is stopped/cancelled, get on the ground safely but ASAP. There is no benefit if you continue flying as scoring is wound back 5 minutes if stopped and cancelled tasks are not scored.
We will no longer be using landing forms as a means to check all pilots are safe at he end of the days flying. Instead we will be requiring all teams to check-in on our WhatsApp group each day once flying is completed. All pilots are required to upload their tracklog to the scoring website
https://xc.highcloud.net/submit_track.html or text Wesley or Tushar if you need help uploading your tracklog.
This year we expect all pilots to upload a tracklock every day regardless of where you land. Even if you land in bombout you still need to upload a tracklog at end of day.
Those pilots who need 'chasing up' because they haven't contacted us or uploaded a tracklog before dark will receive 'special attention' at the morning briefing.
4WD Access: Front road.
The gate is on the Khancoban Road and is on the right approximately 2 kms from the bomb out paddock. Close the gate!
If you've gone over the gap, then you've gone too far! This is a serious 4WD track with deep ruts and large loose rocks. Beware!
2WDers - DO NOT attempt the FRONT ROAD - YOU WILL FAIL!
2WD Access: Back road - 'Fishers Track'.
Take Alpine way, cross over the gap, then Biggara Valley Road at the back of Mt Elliot. Take Fishers Tk at the gate on the right side of the road. Close the gates!
TREVOR SCOTT "Hold My Bundy"
Trev was well known in the hang gliding community as a 'fly by the seat of his pants' kind of guy. While we are not promoting unsafe flying, this award is for the best story about having to use all of your skills to extricate yourself from an unexpected situation.
STEVE ELLIOT “Spirit Of The Comp”
A prize for the pilot who most embodies the attributes of Steve 'Missy' Elliot. Displaying enthusiasm, eagerness to help other pilots, supports the comps aims and mission, (as well as the local community) and embraces the FUN aspect of this comp. Winner to be announced at the Presentation Dinner.
After the flying is done, get your track-log in ASAP for scoring to be done. Dinner and trophy presentation will be held at the Colac Colac Caravan Park on Saturday 11th from 7pm. Lots of food, fun, drinks and awards.
The presentation BBQ will be provided by Corryong Rotary and is included with pilot entry. Tickets must be purchased for drivers, partners, kids. Catering numbers will be finalised by Wednesday. No extra meals will be available on the presentation night. Please advise us of special dietary requirements, eg. vegetarians.
Registration & practice day Saturday January 3rd. Competition days Sunday 5th - Saturday 10th. Presentation Saturday 11th.
Book your accomodation now!
Pilot Landing Page Links - save this in your phone bookmarks
Track Recording Apps
Services Victoria
Emergency Plus app.
Google Map of Corryong no landing zones + waypoints
Corryong Airport - ERSA
Albury En-Route Chart
Mountain Bike Trails
BOM Corryong
Corryong Police 02 6076 1666
SES Victoria 132 500
Ambulance / Fire 000 or 112
Clack Clack CP. 02 6076 1520
Bottom Pub 02 6076 1004
Courthouse Hotel 02 6076 1711
Cudgewa Hotel 02 6077 4335
Download waypoints for Corryong Cup Article detailing how to download waypoints from AirScore. Scroll to bottom for link.
Grid Lat/Lon hddd.ddddd° Datum WGS 84
BIGARA S36.26362 E148.02096
BRADGP S36.17521 E148.14959
BRNBRG S36.14287 E148.05178
CLCCLC S36.21803 E147.82888
CORRY S36.18500 E147.89140
CUDG S36.19228 E147.77022
CUDGNO S36.09687 E147.81428
CUDGWE S36.22318 E147.72880
DWYERS S36.24279 E147.88368
ELLIOT S36.18583 E147.97667
ELLITP S36.18583 E147.97667
GEHI S36.38328 E148.18168
GRGGRG S36.05907 E148.03983
GUYFOR S36.07223 E147.64188
HALFWY S36.26547 E147.87344
HOLBRK S35.68537 E147.32050
INDI S36.22062 E148.04085
INDIRG S36.22672 E148.08161
JINGEL S35.93362 E147.70057
KANGCK S36.26410 E147.93847
KHANCO S36.21622 E148.10978
LIGHTH S36.08653 E148.04558
MCNAMX S36.28531 E147.85253
MTKOSC S36.45223 E148.25053
MTMITA S36.14895 E147.86418
MUNDER S35.83860 E147.87475
NARIEL S36.28099 E147.87096
PINEFO S36.10822 E147.92342
PINEMT S36.01889 E147.82523
POWER S36.17040 E148.04492
ROSSL S36.16206 E147.80186
SWAMPY S36.26365 E148.12315
THOWGL S36.30542 E147.89887
TINTAL S36.05195 E147.92693
TOOMA S35.96785 E148.05805
TOWONG S36.12713 E147.98573
TRASH S36.22068 E147.89037
TURBNS S36.24309 E148.13552
TURNOF S36.18094 E148.10228
UPTWNG S36.19694 E148.02030
WALWA S35.96622 E147.73418
WELGNG S36.01359 E147.96151
WILSPR S36.11256 E148.09076
XING27 S36.12325 E147.83611